Terms & Conditions


Unless specified with a documented agreement, all the following terms govern every transaction between client - customer about any product or service provided from the electronic shop "pcm.gr" as is obviously stated in our website.

Offer and transaction agreement

All products are defined towards their weight, color and technical features from their respective manufacturing company. The product pictures provided are a sample and it is possible for  the end product color to differ.

The buyer, is tasked with the responsibility to be informed about the technical features of the products ordered. Any information provided by our company, regarding technical or any other form of information, is reserved.

The delivery of any order, assuming the product is available, is fulfilled the next business day and the arrival depends on the distance and the possible off-days (weekends, or any public holiday) during delivery.

In the possibility of the order breaking the terms of the agreement, the client has the right to cancel it.


The Prices of each product, are depicted clearly near each product and include VAT. Our company retains the right to change the prices on the products without any warning or notification, when that is deemed necessary. When the client confirms an order he made, he is guarranted to receive the product under the price he accepted when the transaction was confirmed, even if the price changed.

For products that are moved outside of Athens or large packages, the shipping rates are determined by specified alalytic tables that are adjusted according to the charging policy of courrier companies.

Sample alaytic tables can be found in a dedicated article on our website.

Shipping / Delivery

The packaged products are shipped under charge and responsibility of the buyer. For delays in delivery caused by external factors (like strikes, roadblocks, extreme weather incidents etc, ) our company is not responsible.


When our products are picked up from our store, by the customer, a representative or transort firm, we are immediately absolved of any responsibility reagarding the delay, missing, destruction, theft or damage of products or their package.

Responsibility and warranty

Warranty providing issues for our products and possible returns, are defined by the current regulations and laws for greek provinces and guidelines of the European Union.

Responsible for the warranty (including the execution of the warranty) is exclusively the manufacturer. We are responsible to follow all the procedures for inspection,repair or return defined by the manufacturer.

The official technical centers of inspection and repair of the manufacturer are in charge of inspecting and confirm provlems in the products, and are not doubted.

The warranty of the manufacturers only covers defects or missing parts of any packaging. Any damage inflicted by fall, humidity, carelessness, unauthorised attempt to repair internal parts of the device or any non-approved use, automatically sets the product "Off Warranty" and repair is charged.

Return of products that are not damaged, are charged to the buyer (shipping costs, delivery or inspection).


"pcm.gr" is not held responsible for any damage caused by the products sold and are under european regulations for safety. Every respective manufacturer is responsible with providint instructions, regarding the proper way to use and protect its products.


The software that exists in the devices sold, has the license provided by the manufacturer of the software. The terms of use, the instructions and the restrictions of use, are given accordingly byt the manufacturer of the software and not the product. Software packets or products that include software, can be returned only if the manufacturer safety seal is not removed and tha package must be in perfect condition.

Legal rights

For any transaction done with "pcm.gr", laws and regulations of Greece are applied and it's agreed that the responsible authority are the courts of Athens.


Pictures of the products are a sample and it is possible for the end product to differ. Returns or replacements (e.g. due to color), are accepted only after direct communication and if the product is not unwrapped or used.

Furthermore, returns are not accepted, in cases of damage or altering of the packaging.

The shipping costs, of all returned products to the company are charged to the customer.

"pcm.gr", retains the right to not accept product returns when it is decided that certain criteria are met.